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How do I borrow a laptop?

We operate a laptop locker system that issues Apple MacBook Pro 13" (Intel and M1 Pro) laptops out for 10 hours at a time (aboutuntil the lengthend of theeach day),day. theThe laptops can be used anywhere on the site where they were issued and providesprovide access to all the software you need to undertake your class.

There is no late fee, but we do not issuegive out chargers out withfor the laptops to prevent people from taking them home. Users who return laptops late will automatically be blocked until they speak to a technician.

Loaned laptops must stay on the site they were borrowed from and must be returned before the end of each's end. You are responsible for the safety of the laptop when it is on loan to you.

Laptop lockers

Laptops arecan easybe to loanloaned at any time by visiting one of the laptop lockers at each of our buildings.

Peckham Road

The laptop locker at Peckham Road is on the 5th floor of the B blockblock, asjust before you come in toenter the classrooms and kitchen.

Greencoat Building

The laptop locker at Greencoat is inon the main coridoorcorridor outside the Dark Lab.

High Holborn

The laptop locker at High Holborn is outside the technicianstechnician's office.

How to loan a laptop

To loan a laptop you will need to have your UAL ID card.

  1. Visit one of the laptop lockers.
  2. Swipe your UAL ID card on the card reader below the touch screen.
  3. Read and agree to the terms and conditions of the loan.
  4. Press "Borrow" on the touch screen.
  5. Select the type of computerdevice you want to loan.
  6. Look for the flashing locker.
  7. Open the door and unplug the laptop.
  8. Close the door carefully but firmly.

How to return a laptop

  1. Go to the laptop locker wherefrom which you originally borrowed the laptop from.laptop.
  2. Swipe your UAL ID card on the card reader below the touch screen.
  3. Press "Return" on the touch screen.
  4. Look for the flashing locker.
  5. Open the door.
  6. Carefully plug the laptop back into the charging cable.
  7. Close the door carefully but firmly.
  8. Check the door is fully locked by pulling the handle.

What should I do if there is a problem with issuing or returning a laptop?

If you cannot issue a laptoplaptop, please send a Slack message in #technical with a photo of the error on the screen.

If you are unable tocannot return a laptop, please visit the staff office at either campus and ask for help from a memberstaff of staff.member. NEVER leave the laptop unattended.unattended; if there are no staff and you can't return the computer, you should take it home and post it in #technical.

What should I do if there is a problem or damage to the laptop?

We operate a trust system,system. thingsThings happen, and we trust you to look after the laptop, but sometimes things can go wrong.

If you are encounteringencounter a software issueissue, please contact the IT helpdesk onat 0207 514 9898.

If the laptop hasis some kind of damagedamaged either when you loan it or during your use,use or it is stolen while in your possesionpossession, please speak to a technician in the staff offices.