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How to Connect to MySQL Database on the CCI Server

Download and install MySQL Workbench

MySQL Workbench is a convineint GUI that helps you work with MySQL databases.

Connecting MySQL Workbench to CCI Server

  1. Name the connection as CCI Server or something simular.
  2. Open Connect to Database window, by clicking Database > Connect to Database.
  3. For Connection Method select Standard TCP/IP over SSH.
  4. SSH Hostname:
  5. SSH Username: use the one you use to connect to SSH server.
  6. SSH Password: use the one you use to connect to SSH server.
  7. SSH Key File can be found here /Users/username/.ssh/id_rsa (.ssh is a hidden folder)
  8. MySQL Hostname:
  9. MySQL Server Port: 3306
  10. Username and Password: use the same as SSH Hostname and SSH Password.