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Physical Computing Lab

About the Physical Computing Lab

The Physical Computing Lab is located on the 5th floor of Peckham Road, in PR_B502. Opening Hours...

Soldering & Electronics Bench

There are 3 fully kitted out electronics test benches at CCI as well as a number of on-demand sol...

Electronics Fabrication Tips, Tools and Resources

Here at the CCI, only a few courses require students to go beyond breadboard prototyping of circu...

Useful learning resources

Books Getting Started With Arduino 3rd Edition by Massimo Banzi and Michael Shiloh A short and ...

Where to buy components

Hackspaces & Services

Here are a list of places around London that can help in production of your projects. Jump to: La...

What components are available?

An extensive array of equipment is available. Please bear in mind that the Physical Computing Lab...