Research & Knowledge Exchange Ethics
All UAL Creative Computing Institute (CCI) members (including staff, post-graduate research, and taught students) who are involved in research or knowledge exchange activities must check whether their research requires ethical procedure before conducting their research.
The information contained here is maintained by the CCI College Research Ethics Sub-Committee (CRESC) on behalf of the UAL Research & Knowledge Exchange Ethics Sub-Committee (RKEESC).
Your first port of call for all ethical guidance is UAL Research Ethics canvas page here.
Use the sub-pages below to find specific procedures depending on whether you are staff, PhD students or conducting research as part of your taught course.
For general enquiries check #research-ethics channel on Slack or email (
Do I need to apply for ethics approval?
If the research involves any of the following elements then the research is likely to have an eth...
Staff Ethics Procedures
If you are CCI staff and wish to start a new research or KE project you must apply for ethical ap...
PhD Student Ethics Procedures
If you are a CCI PhD student and wish to start a new research or KE project you must apply for et...
Taught Course Ethics Procedures (aka Educational Ethics)
All students at CCI are required to adhere to the UAL ethical policies and procedures when conduc...