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Taught Course Ethics Procedures (aka Educational Ethics)

All students at CCI are required to adhere to the UAL ethical policies and procedures when conducting research. Specific guidance and procedures are in place for Educational Ethics available here:

Please consult with your programme handbook about how these procedures apply to your degree and specific courses, e.g. your dissertation or final project.

Undergraduate: Details are available in your programme handbook. If required, the ethical approval process will managed by your course leaders.

Postgraduate Taught Students (e.g. MSc): Details of the ethical procedures for your degree are available in your programme handbook. For all projects on taught postgraduate programmes, students (with their project supervisor's help) must complete the pre-screen ethics checklist. An explanation of this process, including the forms for full ethics application are available here:

If there are changes to the way the intended project is carried out, please let us know by filling in a Notice of Ammendment. Substantial amendments may require a new ethics application, non-substantial amendments can be approved by Chair’s action. Further information can be found here.

Please contact or #research-ethics on Slack with any questions.