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QTrobot by LuxAI

What is it?

QTrobot is described an expressive humanoid social robot.


What can it do?

Using its inbuilt functions and APIs you can get it do some interesting things. Have a look at its competences page to get a full understanding of its capabalities.

Powering on/off

Power on

To power on QTrobot, press down on the power button that is located behind the robot. You will see QT's head raise up and a face will be displayed on the screen that's on its head.


Power off

To power off QTrobot, simply press down on the power button.

How can I program it?

There are two ways of programming QTRobot.

  1. QTrobot Visual Studio
  2. QTrobot Software Development Kit

Everything you need know for getting started with programming the QTrobot can be found here