
The CCI technical team runs a program of technical skills workshops focused on developing essential skills for working in the CCI. These cover various practical topics, including electronics, fabrication, networking, server programming and more.
Workshops are currently held every Wednesday, 2:30-4:30pm, weekly in South London (almost always in the Greencoat Building) and once every 2 weeks at High Holborn. For a map of the sites, please see below.

The subject of each weeks' workshop is normally announced on Mondays, in the #technical channel on Slack and on the noticeboard by the lifts in Peckham Road. Each workshop is walk-in (no registration required), and doesn't depend on coming to any of the other workshops. All students and staff are welcome. These workshops are now being recorded and are available on Panopto here.
If you would like to suggest a future workshop (or suggest someone you think should run one) you can do so using this form. The only way to acquire a sticker is to attend a workshop :)