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Every CCI building has lockers for staff and students to store things in for short periods. We don't have the space for everyone to have their own, so we ask you to avoid leaving things in them for long periods that you aren't using.

Loss, damage or theft
UAL takes no responsibility for any loss, damage or theft to items left in the lockers..

Lockers are emptied at the end of June every year
You should make sure to clear your locker before the end of June each year as they will be emptied by staff. Any books or loan items will be returned for you, and any other stuff will be stored in a box until 31st December before being disposed of in any way we see fit.

How to find a locker

Available lockers will have the handle in the horizontal position or be open.

How to lock a locker

  1. Close the door
  2. Tap your UAL ID card
  3. Turn the handle 90º clockwise

Remember to note the locker number and check it's locked!

How to unlock a locker

  1. Tap your UAL ID card
  2. Turn the handle 90º counter clockwise
  3. Open the door

What to do if you have problems

  • Ensure you used the same UAL ID card you locked it with.
  • If it still won't open, or you've lost your card, please ask a technician for help.