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Mini 360 Degree Continuous Servo Code

How To Guides Physical Computing

Continuous servos have a different structure to them than regular servos. A regular servo simply ...

Updated 4 months ago by Tom Lynch

5V Air Pump Guide

How To Guides Physical Computing

We have a number of small 5V air pumps and silicone tubing available for students to borrow for s...

Updated 4 months ago by Lexin Zhou

Stepper motor with TB6000 Microstep driver

How To Guides Physical Computing

We have the 42BYGHM809 Stepper motors with the TB6600 Stepper motor microstep driver to the Ardui...

Updated 4 months ago by Tom Lynch

How to revive a broken Arduino using a Mac

How To Guides Physical Computing

These are instructions for doing this on a mac -- there are a few extra steps which might be a l...

Updated 4 months ago by Tom Lynch

DFPlayer Mini

How To Guides Physical Computing

The DFPlayer Mini is a small (cheap!) and flexible mp3 player unit that can be controlled via an ...

Updated 4 months ago by Lexin Zhou

Using Arduino Leonardo to send USB MIDI data

How To Guides Physical Computing

One of the secrets of Arduino Leonardo is the in-built USB MIDI support. This is really useful fo...

Updated 4 months ago by Tom Lynch

Using the serial monitor and serial logger

How To Guides Physical Computing

Serial communication is a type of communication between two devices, normally between a computer ...

Updated 4 months ago by Tom Lynch

How to use a rotary encoder

How To Guides Physical Computing

A rotary encoder is a device used to measure the rotation of something, similar to a rotary poten...

Updated 4 months ago by Tom Lynch

How to connect a Light Dependent Resistor (LDR)

How To Guides Physical Computing

An LDR or Light Dependent Resistor is a component which restricts how much power can flow through...

Updated 4 months ago by Tom Lynch

Connecting a Potentiometer

How To Guides Physical Computing

A potentiometer (often abbreviated to pot) is an electronic component with three connections, the...

Updated 4 months ago by Tom Lynch

Using a HC-SR04 distance sensor

How To Guides Physical Computing

The HC-SR04 is a ultrasonic distance sensor, it uses ultrasound to send out a ping and measure ho...

Updated 4 months ago by Tom Lynch

How to connect a push button or switch

How To Guides Physical Computing

Buttons and switches are a way of opening and closing a circuit, i.e. making and breaking a conne...

Updated 4 months ago by Tom Lynch

Using a Sparkfun Sound Detector

How To Guides Physical Computing

The Sound Detector is a board made by Sparkfun electronics that provides a way to detect ambient ...

Updated 4 months ago by Tom Lynch

Making sounds with a piezo

How To Guides Physical Computing

'Piezo' normally refers to an electrical component which can be used to make sound, however more ...

Updated 4 months ago by Tom Lynch

Using a Sparkfun MP3 Trigger

How To Guides Physical Computing

The MP3 trigger is a board made by Sparkfun electronics that provides a way to play MP3 files fro...

Updated 4 months ago by agnes cameron

Using an MPR121 capacitive touch sensor

How To Guides Physical Computing

The MPR121 is a tiny microchip formerly manufactured by NXP, now under Resurgent Semiconductor, i...

Updated 4 months ago by Tom Lynch

Powering an Arduino

How To Guides Physical Computing

Here is some resources about powering Arduino or other electronic projects: General How to powe...

Updated 4 months ago by Tom Lynch

How to install Arduino libraries

How To Guides Physical Computing

Arduino libraries are collections of code that are designed to provide additional, reusable funct...

Updated 4 months ago by Tom Lynch

How to cancel a booking in ORB

How To Guides How to use ORB

You can cancel a booking by visiting ORB on the SISO app or in a or a web browser. You can book a...

Updated 4 months ago by Tom Lynch

How to get the app

How To Guides How to use ORB

Step 1 – Install the App The ORB app is called "smarthub" on both App Stores: Android Download an...

Updated 4 months ago by Tom Lynch