Recently Updated Pages
How to look after Apple Vision Pro
The Apple Vision Pro headset is a great piece of technology, but it is very expensive and easily ...
Who can access the Apple Vision Pro headsets?
The headsets are available to the following groups only: Current UAL Diploma Apple Development s...
Meet the Technical Team
The technical team at CCI can be contacted on Slack during office hours. However, new questions s...
CCI Stickers, a history...
We print stickers on a regular basis. However, we rarely reprint an old design, so you can date y...
How to get access to Postman
We have free access for students to use Postman for testing and developing APIs for educational a...
Prototyping Wearables
Wearable electronics comes with a bunch of considerations about size and power management. We sto...
Using the Brother Innovis A150 Sewing Machine
The CCI has a digital sewing machine, in addition to a digital embroidery machine. This machine i...
Knitting With Conductive Yarn
Knitting is a really versatile and flexible way to integrate sensors and other conductive materia...
Digital and e-textile design at the CCI
This page is a guide to different techniques that can be used in digital and e-textile design, re...
Using the Silver Reed SK840 Knitting Machine
Overview The Silver Reed SK840 knitting machine is a 4.5mm standard-gague knitting machine that i...
About the Prototyping Lab
Workshop: Generative Embroidery with PEmbroider
This is the written version of an embroidery workshop in the CCI, and can either accompany the li...
PhD Student Ethics Procedures
If you are a CCI PhD student and wish to start a new research or KE project you must apply for et...
Staff Ethics Procedures
If you are CCI staff and wish to start a new research or KE project you must apply for ethical ap...
Do I need to apply for ethics approval?
If the research involves any of the following elements then the research is likely to have an eth...
Taught Course Ethics Procedures (aka Educational Ethics)
All students at CCI are required to adhere to the UAL ethical policies and procedures when conduc...
About the Textiles Area
The Textiles Area is located inside the Physical Computing Lab on the 5th floor of Peckham Road, ...
About the Robotics Lab
The Robotics Lab is located on the Ground floor of Greencoat Building, in GB_G11. Opening Hours ...
About the Dark Lab
The Dark Lab is located on the Ground floor of Greencoat Building, in GB_G05. Opening Hours O...
About the Physical Computing Lab
The Physical Computing Lab is located on the 5th floor of Peckham Road, in PR_B502. Opening Hours...