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How to book a space using ORB

You can book a space at CCI by using the SISO app or in a or a web browser.

Step 1 - Login

For more information, see our guide on how to login to ORB and check your store.

Step 2 – Dashboard

From the Dashboard, when you first log in, click "Book":

Screenshot highlighting the Book icon on the Dashboard

Step 3 – Space Booking

From the next screen, select "Space Booking":

Screenshot highlighting the Space Booking option on the Book screen

Step 4 – Pick the space

Now you can pick from a list of Technical Resources; not all spaces are bookable; some are just first come, first served.

Screenshot highlighting a technical resource you can pick

Step 5 – Booking

Step 5A – Acknowledge the information pop-up

When you view the resource, you may be presented with a pop-up with important information about the resource, read it then close the box:

Screenshot highlighting the close button on the pop up modal information box

Step 5B – Select a resource

There are 2 ways to pick your resource. By default, you will see the "Asset List," which is a scrollable list of resources and times for a given day.

In most spaces, you can also switch to the "Floor Plan" view, select a specific resource and then see its availability for the given day.

Step 5C – Selecting a day

You can click on the blue underlined date to change to another day, by default, it will show the current date:

Screenshot highlighting the date change button

Step 5D – Selecting a time range

You can drag the time range around left and right by pressing and holding; this can be confusing on a computer as it doesn't scroll left and right with your mouse or trackpad.

To select a time, click one on the start time, scroll (drag) to the end time, and again click once on that. The time will be highlighted in blue:

Step 5E – Confirm

If you are on the Asset List, press Book after you've selected the time.

You must now read and agree to the ORB Terms and Conditions:

Screenshot showing the ORB Terms and conditions

Step 5F – Errors

Each resource has a different set of rules, for how near your booking can be, how many you can book at once, and for how long.

If your booking violates these rules, you'll get an error explaining that and will need to adjust accordingly:

Screenshot showing an error banner that reads: "Booking Request: Unfortunately you cannot request this item for Collection at this time. It is required that bookings must be at least 3hrs Omins before collection.
Please try another time slot (Ref: BAA016)"

Step 5G – Finished

You'll get a green tick confirming your booking.

More information about the resource

In the Asset List, you can click the blue underlined resource names to create a focused timeline and a picture of the item.

This is the same as clicking on the item in the Floor Plan view:

Screenshot highlighting the resource name in the Asset List

From here, if you click the name again in ORB, it will bring up even more information about the item:

Screenshot highlighting where the name is to click in the pop-up box

Which looks like this:

Screenshot of the detailed information screen